Welcome to your Sensational Sunday!

I love Sunday's! My body is used to waking up at 6a to workout, so it's more of an excuse to get some extra puppy snuggles in before the day starts. Each get their own one-on-one time and we talk about how well they slept, how much longer they want belly rubs, what their plans for the day are and then it's time for the next one.
Sunday's also my "late" day starting at Noon. I can get a full workout in, often times lots of minor chores, and now that it's sunny out again - my standard 20 minutes of tanning in the #SBR before I head in to the office for 6 easy breezy hours of making dreams come true.
It's shockingly been a slow week at work. It's a combination or Spring Breaks, warmer weather and finally getting to spend time outside now that we're not held indoor hostages by the rain. I don't mind one slow day a week. I can get thoroughly caught up on managing our CRM database. I can make sure I've followed up on any loose ends. I can take some online training. I can create some fun job-aids to share with my colleagues company wide. For one day. I'm ready to rock-n-roll. "It's SHOWTIME!" That's what I say each day when I step out of the car. Someone is always watching. And when prospects come in the door, it's time for me to "turn it on" and get into discovery mode so I can help them find exactly what they are looking for and make good use of their time. This week started off on Wednesday for me with 7 walk-in appointments - which is an insane amount of clients to see in one day. I ended up with 2 leases, referred 1 other, and have 4 for "future traffic pipeline" opportunities. It was a day I was going full-speed and easily jumped this cavern of downtime. Thursday, Friday and Saturday - not so much. One prospect was "maybe" looking for November. And nobody looking for moving earlier than June or July where I don't have options to present at this point. Today, as in all days, is always unknown. I currently have 1 appointment on the calendar. For a Sunday, that usually means one thing - it'll be utter chaos between 1 and 4 with people walking in, unscheduled, bright eyed and hopeful I can help end their quest for a perfect new home. Today, I'll be speeding it up - just a bit - so I'm ready to take that leap with them. How are you spending your Sunday? What will you be speeding up for today? Post your comments and share your meme's here!